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Thursday, March 31, 2011

All Summer in a Day Essay

             A national study by University of Virginia in 2003 found that 29.9% percent of students are involved in bullying either as a bully, a victim or both a bully and a victim. Bulling is the act of intimidating a weaker person to make them do something.   The short story”All Summer in a Day”, by Ray Bradbury, teaches a person that bulling has an effect on that person’s life.
When a person is physically bullied they have physical and emotion pain.  The short story “All summer in a day” relates to “Deep water” because both had victims that were emotionally bullied.  The main character in deep water got thrown into the water and almost drowned. He had a fear of water for many years.
Bullying affects many people in the United States every day.   According to you may have constant high levels of stress, loss of self confidence, poor concentration and depression if you have been bullied.  These are common symptoms of someone have been bullied multiple times.
When I was in elementary school I was bullied about my hearing aids.  From fourth to sixth grade, I was teased when I wore my hearing aids.  When I wore my hearing aids I was called a lot6 of names I didn’t like.  I was called lot names one was “hearing aid boy” that made me angry.  This related to the story because he was bullied and so was I.
             All summer in a Day teaches people that bulling is a problem that has to be addressed.   If the problem is not addressed there may be more bullies or more people who have no friends.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Deep Water

Imagine you are in a pool, learning how to swim. Then a big bruiser of a boy probably 18 years old tossed you in the deep end. Then you struggle to get to the surface. The short story “Deep water” by William Douglas teaches a person one person’s joke could be another person’s nightmare.
Have you ever had had a life threatening event? I have, when I was 10, I went with my dad swimming in his friend’s pool. After I got into the pool, I realized there was a deep end. Before I knew it, I went under, and then I started to scream. After that my dad came over and picked me out of the water. If I was paying attention to the drop off, this would have never happened.
I think the short story Deep Water is a comedy because it starts out normal, you decide you want to learn how to swim at the Y.M.C.A. The then a conflict arises the kid says “how’d you like to get ducked. With that he picked me up and threw me into the deep end. Then the kid realizes he needs to do something, so he says I need to jump on the floor of the pool and pop back up. The conflict was resolved by someone taking him out of the pool. Then life goes back to normal by him going home and moving on with his life.
Deep Water,” relates to "All Summer in a Day," in multiple ways. One of which is how they both deal with water, whether it’s raining daily, like in "All Summer in a Day”, or in a pool, as in "Deep Water. Both stories deal with water. Both main characters hate water, because of something that happened to them, that dealt with water. This is not like me because I live water you can always find me near water, even if something happened I would like water. Another way is how both of the main characters are getting bullied; the main characters aren’t near as powerful as the evil ones, or the bullies. Even though the guy who bullied the main character in ”Deepwater” was not talked about that much, I could still tell that he had controlled weaker ones in, swimming lessons or in his school.
That’s why that just joking and some other person may not think it is funny. William Douglas teaches people one person’s joke could be another person’s nightmare.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Imagine being in a home for over 10 years but you didn’t pay last month’s mortgage and the bank is trying to take your house. As a result you would have to live in an apartment. The short story “Home”, by Gwendolyn Brooks, teaches a person that if you work hard, good things will happen.
In the real world, if you work hard you can get a job that you can earn a living from. A quote “I've got a theory that if you give 100 percent all of the time, somehow things will work out in the end” by Larry Bird, means that if you work your hardest things will always work out. For example, if you work hard on your homework it will pay off by getting you a good grade on it. If you get a good grade on homework it can get you a job.
I think the short story “Home” has a lot of symbolism. First it is during the summer, it takes place at noon, sunny weather, takes place on the porch. The story starts out normalcy or normal. Then there is a conflict they can’t get an extension the loan. Then the conflict is realized by papa going to the Home Owners’ Loan to try to get an extension on the loan. Then he solves the problem by getting an extension on the loan. Then their lives go back to normal. So this is why I think the story is a comedy.
Now, imagine being in a home for over 10 years but you didn’t pay last month’s mortgage and the bank is trying to take your house. As a result you would have to live in an apartment. But then your papa comes home and said they got a extension on the loan, so they get to keep their house.